var subng_variation_flag = "HP_VALUE_DYNAMIC"; var navigation_align = "hp_design_align"; var xUA=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); xIE4=xUA.indexOf('msie 4')!=-1; xIE5=xUA.indexOf('msie 5')!=-1; xIE6=xUA.indexOf('msie 6')!=-1; var cursorType= ""; if(xIE4 || xIE5) cursorType = 'CURSOR:HAND; ' ; else cursorType = 'cursor: hand; cursor: pointer; '; // General Data var browser_type = navigator.appName; //browser type var main_cat_arr = main_cat.split("::"); //main navis array var main_cat_length = main_cat_arr.length; //length var main_sub_cat_arr = sub_cat.split(","); //sub navis array var main_sub_cat_length = main_sub_cat_arr.length; //sub navis length var main_sub_cat_ext_arr = sub_cat_ext.split(","); // sub navis array var main_sub_cat_ext_length = main_sub_cat_ext_arr.length; // sub navis length var STR_IE = "Microsoft Internet Explorer"; //ie var STR_NS = "Netscape"; //netscape var STR_GECKO = "Gecko"; //gecko var STR_YES = "yes"; //yew var STR_NO = "no"; //no var f_str_dyn_sub_list = new Array(); // NS Properties var ns_sub_def_width ; //width var ns_sub_def_height ; //height var ns_sub_def_left; //left var ns_sub_start_top; //top var ns_sub_inc_top; //increment top var ns_top_variance; // variance //IE Properties var ie_sub_def_width; //width var ie_sub_def_height; //height var ie_sub_def_left; //left var ie_sub_start_top; //top var ie_sub_inc_top; //increment top var ie_down_key_status; //key status var ie_current_hid_index; //index //sub layer position inIE var ie_poistion_details = new Array(); //position list //BACKGROUND IMAGE var img_over = ""; //image over var img_out = ""; //image out; // Sub navigation enable var bln_navigation_state = true; //state // dyn layers height height var ns_layers_height; //height // common top & left var dyn_top; //top var dyn_left; //left //current page id & url status var current_page_id = ""; //current page id var current_url_status = ""; //current url var current_url_name = ""; //current url name for external link var current_url_tgt = ""; //current url //Identify cell No var current_cell = ""; // cell details document.write(''); // style sheet properties for ns document.write(''); //cell properties var l_str_dtable_starts = "
 "; //starts table 1 var l_str_stable_starts = "
 "; //starts table 2 var l_str_table_close = " 
"; //close the table // for ns layers var l_str_dtable_starts_org = "
 "; //starts table 1 var l_str_stable_starts_org = "
 "; //starts table 2 var _is_gecko_bowser = STR_NO; var _browser_agent_type = navigator.userAgent; if( _browser_agent_type != null && _browser_agent_type.indexOf(STR_GECKO) != -1 ) { _is_gecko_bowser = STR_YES; //alert("in if 1"); } if( _browser_agent_type != null && _browser_agent_type.indexOf(STR_GECKO) != -1 && _browser_agent_type.indexOf(STR_NS) != -1 && browser_type.indexOf(STR_NS) != -1) _is_gecko_bowser = STR_YES; if(browser_type == STR_IE) { //starts if /*** starts sub navigation property ***/ // temp layers setIEAllSubNavis(); document.onmousedown = getKeyDown; /*** close sub navigation property ***/ } // close if else if(_is_gecko_bowser == STR_YES) // check gecko browser { //starts if // temp layers setGeckoAllSubNavis(); document.onmousedown = getKeyDown; } // close if else if(browser_type == STR_NS) { //starts else-if /**** starts sub navigation property ****/ document.write("
"); document.write("
"); for(var i=0;i" + l_str_stable_starts_org + l_str_data + l_str_table_close + ""); // active layers class=borderinclass document.write("" + l_str_dtable_starts_org + l_str_data + l_str_table_close + ""); } //close the for loop document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN |Event.MOUSEUP); document.onmouseup = getAction; /**** close sub navigation property ****/ } // close else if /* clear all sublayer in general */ function getTop() { setClearSubLayer(main_sub_cat_length); } //close the function function getSubNavisOnly(main_navi) { var l_str_arr_subnavis = new Array(); //array var l_str_arr_ipnos = new Array(); //array var l_str_arr_result = new Array(); //array var l_int_i = 0; //index for(n=0;n0) { //starts if -non-empyt array l_str_arr_ipnos.sort(); l_str_arr_ipnos.sort(compareNumbers); for(var j=0;j 1024) { if(subng_variation_flag == "OLDDESIGN") // condition to old design { if(screen.width == 1280) // screen resultion to 1280 { if( _broswertype.indexOf("Gecko") != -1 ) l_width_pixel =l_width_pixel + 280; else if( _broswertype.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) l_width_pixel =l_width_pixel + 260; } else if( screen.width ==1152) //screen resultion to 1152 { if( _broswertype.indexOf("Gecko") != -1 ) l_width_pixel =l_width_pixel + 150; else if( _broswertype.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) l_width_pixel =l_width_pixel + 130; } else { l_width_pixel = eval(l+(Math.round(l_int_width/1.255))); } } else if( subng_variation_flag == "NEWDESIGN" )// condtion to new design l_width_pixel =l_width_pixel; else // codition to inner page { if( screen.width == 1280) l_width_pixel = l_width_pixel + 256; else if(screen.width == 1152 ) l_width_pixel = eval(l+(Math.round(l_int_width/1.255))); else l_width_pixel = eval(l+(Math.round(l_int_width/1.255))); } // l_width_pixel = eval(l+(Math.round(l_int_width/1.255))); } return l_width_pixel; } function getSubLayers(curr_cat,index,start_top,start_left,img_default,img_over,height,width,latest_location) { location_identifier =latest_location; var l_int_ileft = start_left; if(latest_location == 'r' || navigation_align=="hp_right_align") l_int_ileft = getScreenFixAbove1024(start_left); f_str_dyn_sub_list =new Array(); common_height = height; common_width = width; common_top = start_top; common_left = l_int_ileft; common_inc = height; // NS Properties ns_sub_def_width = width; ns_sub_def_height = height; ns_sub_inc_top = common_inc; // ns_sub_start_top = common_top+ns_top_variance; ns_sub_start_top = common_top; // IE Properties ie_sub_def_width = width; ie_sub_def_height = height; ie_sub_def_left = common_left; ie_sub_start_top = common_top; ie_sub_inc_top = common_inc; if(_is_gecko_bowser == STR_YES) { //starts if dyn_top = start_top; dyn_left = l_int_ileft; setGeckoSubNavisList(curr_cat,index,l_int_ileft,start_top,ie_sub_def_height,ie_sub_def_width); } else if(browser_type == STR_IE) { //starts if dyn_top = start_top; dyn_left = l_int_ileft; setIESubNavisList(curr_cat,index,l_int_ileft,start_top,ie_sub_def_height,ie_sub_def_width); } // close if else { //starts outter else if(browser_type == STR_NS) //starts inner if { dyn_top = start_top; dyn_left = l_int_ileft; setNSSubLayers(curr_cat,index,start_top,l_int_ileft,img_default,img_over); } //close the inner if } //close the outter else } // close the function /****************************** Starts list of NS functions ****************************/ /* set dummy layers with respect to main/sun */ /* dynmic navigation from the main navigation*/ function setNSSubLayers(c_cat,index, start_top, start_left, img0, img1) { setClearSubLayer(main_sub_cat_length); document.layers["tlayer"].visibility = "hide"; var temp_sub_arr = getSubNavisOnly(c_cat); // array of sub navis if(main_sub_cat_length > 0) { //starts if-1 atlease on subnavis if(temp_sub_arr.length > 0) { //starts if-3 f_str_dyn_sub_list = temp_sub_arr; ns_layers_height = 0; ns_sub_start_top = start_top; var position = index; //index for(var i=0;i 0) { //starts if - more than one navis for(var i=0;i "); document.write(""); for(var i=0;i" + l_str_stable_starts + l_str_data + l_str_table_close + ""); document.write("
"+ l_str_dtable_starts +l_str_data + l_str_table_close +"
"); } //close the for loop clearIENavis(); } //close the function /*set sub navigations for dummy operation*/ function setGeckoAllSubNavis() { var l_str_data; //data var properties; //properties var active_layer; //active layer var l_str_arr_single_string; //single string document.write(""); document.write(""); for(var i=0;i" + l_str_stable_starts + l_str_data + l_str_table_close + ""); document.write("
"+ l_str_dtable_starts +l_str_data + l_str_table_close +"
"); } //close the for loop // clearGeckoNavis(); } //close the function function clearIENavis() { for(var i=0;i 0) //true-more than zero navis setIEOutsideLayer(l_int_left,l_int_inc_top,width,height,l_int_top,l_int_bg_height); } //close the function function setGeckoSubNavisList(c_cat,index,left,top,height,width) { var l_int_left = left; //left var l_int_top = top; //top clearGeckoNavis(); var l_str_arr_temp = getSubNavisOnly(c_cat); //get acti navis f_str_dyn_sub_list = l_str_arr_temp; var l_int_inc_top = l_int_top; //top var l_int_bg_height = (l_str_arr_temp.length)*(height+1)+Math.round((l_str_arr_temp.length)*(1.5)); //get length var l_int_mheight_inc = 0; for(var n=0;n 0) //true-more than zero navis setGeckoOutsideLayer(l_int_left,l_int_inc_top,width,height,l_int_top,l_int_bg_height); } //close the function function getActiveNavi(des_navi_name,curr_navi_object) { current_page_id = ""; current_url_status = ""; current_url_name = ""; //current url for external link current_url_tgt = ""; //current url target document.all.item(des_navi_name) = parseInt(; document.all.item(des_navi_name).style.left = parseInt(; document.all.item(des_navi_name).style.width = parseInt(; document.all.item(des_navi_name).style.height = parseInt(; = 'hidden' document.all.item(des_navi_name).style.visibility = 'visible'; } // close the function function getActiveGeckoNavi(des_navi_name,curr_navi_object) { current_page_id = ""; current_url_status = ""; current_url_name = ""; //current url for external link current_url_tgt = ""; //current url target document.getElementById(des_navi_name) = parseInt(; document.getElementById(des_navi_name).style.left = parseInt(; document.getElementById(des_navi_name).style.width = parseInt(; document.getElementById(des_navi_name).style.height = parseInt(; = 'hidden' document.getElementById(des_navi_name).style.visibility = 'visible'; } // close the function function whenIEMouseOver(id, url, pos, url_name, url_tgt) { current_page_id = id; current_url_status = url; current_url_name = url_name; //current url name current_url_tgt = url_tgt; //current url target ( '' / 'n' ) } //close the function function whenIEMouseOut() { current_page_id = ''; current_url_status = ''; current_url_name = ''; //current url for external link current_url_tgt = ''; //current url target } //close the function /*set whenmouseover layer onIE formatted layers */ function setIEOutsideLayer(left,top,width,height,default_top,total_height) { = default_top-1; = left-1; = width+2; = total_height; = 'visible'; = '#b2b2b2'; = default_top - height; if(location_identifier == 'l') = left; // = left - (width/2); else if(location_identifier == 'r') = left-(width/2); else if(vertical_location == 'l') = left; // = left - (width/2); else if(vertical_location == 'r') = left-(width/2); = width + (width/2); = total_height + (height*2); = 'visible'; // document.all.item('subdesktop').style.background = '#ccc000'; } //close the function function setGeckoOutsideLayer(left,top,width,height,default_top,total_height) { document.getElementById('bglayer') = default_top-1; document.getElementById('bglayer').style.left = left-1; document.getElementById('bglayer').style.width = width+2; document.getElementById('bglayer').style.height = total_height; document.getElementById('bglayer').style.visibility = 'visible'; document.getElementById('bglayer').style.background = '#b2b2b2'; document.getElementById('subdesktop') = default_top - height; if(location_identifier == 'l') document.getElementById('subdesktop').style.left = left; // = left - (width/2); else if(location_identifier == 'r') document.getElementById('subdesktop').style.left = left-(width/2); else if(vertical_location == 'l') document.getElementById('subdesktop').style.left = left; // = left - (width/2); else if(vertical_location == 'r') document.getElementById('subdesktop').style.left = left-(width/2); document.getElementById('subdesktop').style.width = width + (width/2); document.getElementById('subdesktop').style.height = total_height + (height*2); document.getElementById('subdesktop').style.visibility = 'visible'; // document.getElementById('subdesktop').style.background = '#ccc000'; } //close the function function getKeyDown() { if (current_url_status == 'y' && current_page_id != '') //cursor points to page id { location.href = current_page_id + '.html'; } else if (current_url_status == 'e' && current_url_name != '') //cursor points to page name { if (current_url_tgt == 'y') // open in new window {; getTop(); } else { location.href = replaceTitletoComma(current_url_name); } } else if (current_url_status == '' && current_page_id == '') // false - empty { if(_is_gecko_bowser == STR_YES) clearGeckoNavis(); else clearIENavis(); } } //close the function function onCurrentIEsubNavis(tar_navis, status, url_name, url_tgt) { current_page_id = tar_navis.substr(8); current_url_status = status; current_url_name = url_name; //current url name current_url_tgt = url_tgt; //current url target ( '' / 'n' ) for(var n=0;n < f_str_dyn_sub_list.length;n++) { //starts for -1 loop var l_str_scroll_layer = 'act_'+ f_str_dyn_sub_list[n]; var l_str_static_layer = f_str_dyn_sub_list[n]; if(tar_navis == l_str_scroll_layer) { document.all.item(l_str_scroll_layer).style.visibility = 'visible'; document.all.item(l_str_static_layer).style.visibility = 'hidden'; } else { document.all.item(l_str_scroll_layer).style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.all.item(l_str_static_layer).style.visibility = 'visible'; } } //close for-1 loop } function onCurrentGeckosubNavis(tar_navis, status, url_name, url_tgt) { current_page_id = tar_navis.substr(8); current_url_status = status; current_url_name = url_name; //current url name current_url_tgt = url_tgt; //current url target ( '' / 'n' ) for(var n=0;n < f_str_dyn_sub_list.length;n++) { //starts for -1 loop var l_str_scroll_layer = 'act_'+ f_str_dyn_sub_list[n]; var l_str_static_layer = f_str_dyn_sub_list[n]; if(tar_navis == l_str_scroll_layer) { document.getElementById(l_str_scroll_layer).style.visibility = 'visible'; document.getElementById(l_str_static_layer).style.visibility = 'hidden'; } else { document.getElementById(l_str_scroll_layer).style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementById(l_str_static_layer).style.visibility = 'visible'; } } //close for-1 loop } function onIEClearSubs() { for(var n=0;n